
Ok so this isnt first profile here... but the admins wont update my old one ( Valeyardrising is the name on it...) so here we go again... thank goodness for copy and paste...( seriously tho its been over a month...)

If you are not willing to read my profile to the end, do not bother contacting me. There is a LOT of needed and useful ination about me in here.

Im just me. So first off I may not respond to messages sent to me for up to weeks at a time. I am not ignoring you. I am merely forgetful at times, and work full time. Please do not take it as an offense against you personally if I dont respond the day you send a message.

More about me...

Im 36, I weigh in around 310 pounds (and if that is a problem for you please remember that it is YOUR problem not mine)

I am a massive smart ass, that said, please dont expect a sweet little obedient thing that will blindly follow orders... that isnt me. I will question things I think need questioning... that doesnt mean Im going to be a bitch to you it just means I dont blindly follow orders.

Im Pagan (Druid specifically, also again if you have a problem its yours... dont make it mine)

I am a switch, I prefer to Top females and bottom to males. Though exceptionscan be made for the right person... most likely for a female Top honestly though.

I have tendencies for being a little... I dont have a set age when the attitude strikes, but its not diaper young... that isnt my thing at all... and in the interest of being a swirch... yes I Mummy as well. But again not dealing with a diaper.

I have 18 years of experience in the lifestyle as I joined my first BDSM club at the age of 18.

I am a chronic pain patient so some things are just not possible for me, though I do try to make them happen if I can.

I own a whole lot of pets including dogs, cats, chickens, ducks and even a herd of goats (This will likely be changing soon honestly).

I love music of all sorts, I adore television. I love reading, I write on occasion, I like to color, draw, paint, and sculpt. I am a photographer (it is my life... I love to take photographs of everything I can get to hold still long enough, and if it wont there is a setting for that... I do know how to use it) I game online on occasion when I can, I love driving.

and most importantly,

I dont play with people without having met them and actually getting to know people a bit.

I usually prefer to play with people at the local BDSM club, and I insist on meeting people in person well before playing with them. Please dont take it personally that I wont play immediately. I am just that way.

Also I do not cyber, and I mean ever... no i wont make an exception for you, no I shouldnt feel flattered that you want my attention and no... you arent different from the others. I wont be giving out my phone number or chat info to anyone until Ive had a few good conversations with them here. This is to protect both you and me so please dont push for it because that will be the end of all communication with you. For the Doms that means dont start out by ordering me about, I dont ow you anything just because you say youre a to... in fact starting contact like that kind of proves otherwise... as the subs well dont start by begging me to tie you up and call you Sally ... or anything else. I dont owe you anything either. Be polite, be restlpectful and treat me like a human being... thst is all I ask of all people.

Yes I did have to add that last bit, its been an issue enough times that I felt it had to be addressed.
 Age: 21