
IsleofMe - photo 1
IsleofMe - photo 3
I am the center of my own wheel and seeking a submissive counterpart. I am seeking a special woman capable of revolving around me and assuming her natural place within my most inner, inner circle. I also welcome friends and acquaintances and enjoy sharing and and exchanging communication about a wide range of subjects.
10/15/2012 10:07:19 PM

A Story That Could Be True

If you were exchanged in the cradle and
your real mother died
without ever telling the story
then no one knows your name,
and somewhere in the world
your father is lost and needs you
but you are far away.

He can never find
how true you are, how ready.
When the great wind comes
and the robberies of the rain
you stand on the corner shivering.
The people who go by--
you wonder at their calm.

They miss the whisper that runs
any day in your mind,
"Who are you really, wanderer?"--
and the answer you have to give
no matter how dark and cold
the world around you is:
"Maybe I'm a king."

-William Stafford

9/28/2012 2:34:08 PM
Because humans have never learned not to want, by wanting, by necessity we have learned how to wait. Delayed flight at Logan. Sucks.
9/27/2012 3:19:38 PM
Take something you value and discard or desecrate it. Break or burn it; make it purposeless for that for which it is made, then, accept its loss. In this moment there is a kind of freedom.