To speak of ones prowess forgoes humility. What I am not is loud or boisterous. I am not self-engrandized. I am not disrespectful, rude, or judgmental. I am not one that talks to hear the sound of his voice. I am not one who believes courtesy is unmanly. I do not believe that an understanding of me can be found in this brief treatise. To know me is to engage me. Then and only then will you know me. If I've written to you, it is because I find interest in knowing more about you. I am not here to deceive or to spend endless hours engaged in blind sorties. I ask that you be genuine as I will be. Please do not mistake this brief introduction as an unwillingness to reveal myself. It isn't. I just don't happen to believe that an adequate description can be achieved here. There is much more. To know that part will require an investment on your part. Incumbo Erus