
You know that moment when you dont quite think you know a person completely, but you just want to keep getting to find out more? Well the best people are those that keep on giving. As you unwrap every layer to reveal something more complex and interesting underneath, like an adult version of pass the parcel.

In the same way, just when you think youve managed to please someone, the next layer is peeled away to reveal more of a challenge.

I enjoy a challenge - it keeps my brain busy and allows me to switch off. I suppose that you could say its also a little like running a marathon - you endure hours of suffering for the feeling of accomplishment and achievement at the end.

My likes arent so important as its easy to do things you like. Its doing things you find a challenge which is where the rewards lie.
2/21/2015 4:48:29 AM
I had a message today complimenting me on my profile pictures, and asking if I'd ever tried it. I was a little confused for a moment as if I'd missed part of the conversation. To clear things up, they are me! Although it always helps having a talented photographer to make you look good...
5/14/2012 10:35:46 AM

DS relationships.   I keep seeing this phrase and keep thinking about two people with their little hand hold Nintendo consoles chatting to each other.     Maybe it's a new form of E-pet?

2/12/2012 5:15:04 PM

Psychology is where it's always at I find.    I think the only time I tend to fall in love is when I feel that they understand me better than I understand me.   It's probably not love, but some kind of chemical reaction to the admiration I feel for them.    And it's never who you expect it might be.


Falling in lust for me also takes some kind of psychological worming into my brain.   undoubtedly different parts of my brain need to be burrowed into.   I imagine there to be a giant lever that operates my groinal attachment in that part.   


Thankfully both layers have some kind of security, although of late I'm finding that the door[wo]man to the latter has been severely lax in his duties.    The moment that you fire the doorman is when you become a slut.   


*is looking for a new door[wo]man*   

2/28/2011 3:50:00 AM

Denial.  It's seems I've been in a state of denial about denial.


You know that feeling of nervous excitement you get before doing something you're really looking forward to?   Maybe like the night before Christmas when you were a child, or just waiting for the postman to bring that new toy you've bought online (no, not *that* sort of toy.   Pervert :-p).   The intensity of that usually far exceeds the event itself.    You might get a sudden rush when the doorbell goes, or you wake up, but then the rest of the day is a bit of an anticlimax.   Well orgasms seem to be rather like that for me.    


I think on reflection that I seems the intensity of the feelings of being teased are ultimately much more rewarding than the end result of things.   However, slightly paradoxically I can't enjoy them at the time until things have been brought to an end, but the ending of it just results in disappointment.    It's like the disappointment makes the mounting frustration worthwhile.


So what I think I'm trying to say is that I enjoy the intensity of being frustrated.   Well it's almost an admission anyway.

 Age: 40
 Milano, Italia