~~~not really looking for anything anymore, decided to pursue other stuff in life~~~ My BSDM interests are clearly listed on the interests section, so I will use this space to talk about other stuff. My picture is not very descriptive of what I look like, for obvious reasons, I am not showing it in my profile. No, it's not my butt, it's my arm.. why? No clue.. You are welcome to ask for it if I strike your fancy chords. A general physical description, tall (ish), lanky, heavier on legs than upper body.. 405lbs squat vs 135 lbs bench. So, BSDM is not a lifestyle for me. It's just a flavor I get to pick every now and then. Personal perspective. At this point in life, I am too busy and unsure about my immediate future (~ 1 year) to comfortably seek any sort of relationship. So yah, I am a play whore. I can more easily talk about my BSDM tendencies based on what you seek, but a general description. As a top, I like see the effects of what I do, I don't beat my sub up, but like to leave a reminder that I was there. As a bottom, I don't mind pain, it's less about being a pain lover, more about being taken control of. Whatever the top does, is up to her (though with some certain pre-set limits, don't have a lot)..
2/3/2011 7:12:11 AM

The concept of slave within the lifestyle vs real slaves. 


First off, is it really being a slave if it's with consent? Don't think so. 

Does the "slave" not want to be where he/she is? They probably do.

Do they have a choice to leave if they want to? Probably.

Do they face the danger of violence if they disobey their masters? Yes. 

But then they have the option to leave. 


And now, real slaves. 


No, it's without their consent.

No, they don't want to be there.

No, they don't have a choice.

Yes, they do face the danger of violence, possibly resulting in death, without the option to leave. 



Yes, this is a very robotic way of comparing the two, not taking into psychological control and such, but, I am ignoring that for both types of slaves. 


But this short comparison, asks the question, are the "slaves" really slaves? 


To the 27 million (by conservative estimates) slaves worldwide, 15 thousand in the United States, and indentured workers, from sex slaves to minors burning their fingers processing silk, is it a mockery or an insult to their struggles for freedom, or well, psuedo freedom, because, are we really free? (That's a whole another topic, can't discuss now)..


I feel like it is an insult, but, I can't say why. It's a feeling I have. Maybe it's based around me having seen in real life, real slaves and indentured child laborers, 5 - 9 year old kids working in factories to pay off debt that their parents incurred, and when asked what their dream is, you meet blank stares of confusion and not see their eyes light up with the possibilities of becoming a doctor, an actor or a teacher. 


Meh.. Still can't see why it'd be an insult.. 

 Age: 24