The body of a woman, the mind of a lady, the heart of a child and the soul of a slave.

That would be me. But none of these things would have the same taste, if it weren't for Him, my Master, MasterPunishher. He tickles my blood and holds my heart.

He feeds every part of me and without Him i would starve.

Wwe are here to enjoy the community and friendship(s) of those here in the Lifestyle. All emails are welcomed , impudence however is not.

He watches over me and this account.

Live Love Laugh
and be well
Master & slave

6/10/2009 6:28:37 AM
The Cage
 Ours is the ornate birdcage
The brimming cup of water
The preface to the book
And all the clocks are ticking
All the dark rooms are moving
All the air's nerves are bare.

David Gascoyne