
HenryIX - photo 1
HenryIX - photo 2
HenryIX - photo 4
HenryIX - photo 5
HenryIX - photo 6


CollarMe imagines that I live in Alabama. Never been there in my life.

17 October 2013: drastically edited. If you insist, I still havethe unedited version - if I can find it!

Hello. My name's William.

Basic facts: Lifelong spanker: real dom since my 40s; disciplinarian mentor since my 60s. I live alone in Leicester; hope to move back to London in 2014. I don't drive; but I do have time to visit - and I'm house-trained.

Some hard limits: No cybering. No role-play of any kind. No "slavery". No Gor, for Gor's sake. No use of the word “use” for “bonk”. No switching. No males. Always SSC (Safe, Sane, Consensual).

And U get a sore bum 4 txtspk.

Health: I seem to have dodged the bullet from prostate cancer. They tell me that the treatment may succeed 100%; but I'll believe that when I feel it. Meanwhile, I can't get it up: sorry.

And I have sleep apnoea; ADHD; and BPPV (benign positional paroxysmal vertigo). (You can always look them up. None of them are disabling!),

Still a DOM (Dirty Old Man)! These days, above all, I'm a mentor. What I do is: counselling, command, control, and of course discipline - for females only.

Vanilla interests: Good food; real ale; single malts, when I can afford them. Cryptic crosswords. Reading – mostly fiction. Left-wing politics; humanism/atheism. Grandchildren.

I'm retired from (mostly) IT (mostly) freelance (mostly) as a technical writer.

 Age: 22
 Columbus, Montana