
HeLLandCo - photo 1
HeLLandCo - photo 2
Looking for submissive female friends that may or may not lead to more. I am VERY HAPPILY OWNED. All men will go to bulk. All trolls will be ripped apart. All fakes will be found out quicky. I am owned by Hell. He is my One, my Everything, my Master, my Daddy. His profile can no longer be viewed by this silly site. But He can get and send messages. Not one of you Doms can hold a candle to Him, but you morons will keep trying, won't you? Lol. Why are you here? To play? To learn? To madturbate? To explore? To find that fit? To fill that void? Answer that question, it is an important one. I have suffered in my short life...i have collected many scars. But as my Master has taught me...we all have scars, some bigger and deeper than others, some of us with very few and others with far too many. But how we deal with our scars...that is what makes us what we are today. I dealt with my scars in the wrong ways. But I'm learning. And I had the void...that empty feeling that I was always missing something. So I came here...curious. I met Hell. He came on strong. Vulgar, violent, bold, but so REAL. And he only spoke wisdom...In between his harsh words to open my eyes. He agreed to be my mentor. I eagerly hung on to His every word. There is so much more to Him. The depth, the truth. We got along well. I was addicted, as He warned me that I would be from the very beginning. But you know what? He has suffered, too. He has His scars. And He doesn't hide them. Any of you who know Him know that He is deep, but you have no idea how dark, twisted, and BEAUTIFUL His soul is. I fell in love with Him, then I realized that I never truly loved before...not like I love Him. He made me His. And I am so honored. Nice story? Look deeper: In His profile. ..He clearly stated that He had no match. He said that "she" didn't exist. And tells us all NOT TO TRY TO BE "HER". And...of course. ..some tried harder. But...if you had not tried, and got to know Him, you would understand that He gave up the search. He was just here to converse and feed. As I did in my short life, He endured many scars on His path here. Now...we have realized this: we were made for each other. All of my heartaches, torture, torments, and traumas I have gone through...that made me what I am. All of HIS pains, trials, and tribulations, aggravations, agitation, even Him giving up on ever finding "her"...that made Him what He is today. So do you see? Our lives...everything we matter how hard or bad it was all preparing us for each other. We are such a perfect fit. Do you see? Can you imagine the bond we have? It is perfection! Can you see the BEAUTY in this darkness we all love? If THAT is what you Daddy and I want to congratulate you, and welcome you. We want you to see that we are living proof that what you seek is REAL. Never settle. Never stop fighting for it. Never give up. And PLEASE....don't De discouraged by the trolls and fakes on here. Keep an open mind and heart. Be level headed and make good decisions. Please don't give up the search because of buttholes and nothings on here. We invite you to talk. We seek out other Trues...the ones who see past the dirty kink (which is only a perk) in this. We wish you much luck. Don't settle! Don't give up! DevilKitty292...Owned by Hell (IamHell). And we are considering expanding the brood. :)
 Age: 26