This is for women who understand the natural order of things - that women are to be under the will and guidance of the Man in your life. women were created to be obedient and reverent, giving themselves totally and completely for your Male authority. I am dedicated to the traditional beliefs regarding the roles of Men and women: Men are best suited in Dominant (a.k.a. leadership) roles and women are best suited to submissive (a.k.a. followership) roles in life, Home, and society. I believe in the ideals of the Male patriarch: The Man is the leader of his home and his woman is a follower. We should expect Men to lead, mentor, provide and care for the woman in his House. you are expected to behave respectfully, keep the Home in good order, and pleasure and satisfy your Man. Men should consider women as works of art, ready to display his leadership through them, and women should consider their behavior as a reflection upon her Man and His House. I also believe that women are subservient property of Men; to be cared for and not abused, should only have the education needed to further her servitude or advance a Man's House, should not be employed. In summary, I believe that women should be considered the equivilant of minors, as much as practical in our modern society. I am serious and I hope you will be as well. Bill