The day comes when honesty must finally be faced. People play the games. One game is called "who can entice who." Another bears the name, "My pussy doesn't look anything like all the other pussy's in the world." Then there is the game called, "My dick is the most dominant to be found." What about the game titled, "Playing with you will be better than the all the other women/men I have played with." My personal favorite is, "I am addicted to bdsm and the hunt for new meat, I can't quit." And then there is one more, "The fantasy life is better than reality." How many people out there sing the same lines, play the same games looking for self gratification, get that moment of instant gratification, and then find out that to keep the thrill alive they must go on the hunt again? And the cycle never ends. One day you will become old and all shriveled up. You will look back on your life and see that when you thought you were living the high life, playing your bdsm games and hunting, hunting, hunting. Calling yourself a Dom or sub but never moving past being a player. You were creating an impression of yourself, building a legacy you will leave behind that says you were nothing better than trailer trash. The D/s lifestyle is not a game. A Dominant is the head of the household. The structure that surrounds the home and covers it with strong bindings. He leads and guides in a way that brings harmony and honor to the home. Respectfully He looks to a higher power to be His guide, because He is not too proud to realize He needs His own guide in order that He may guide. A submissive is the glue that holds the home together. She is the gentle dove who fills every corner of the home. The home radiates with warmth, comfort, love and grace because she is there. Without the two, the home would fall apart into disarray, because it takes both to hold the home firmly together. And as the Dominant and submissive come together inside the home, their bodies rejoice together as they dance the dance only a Dom and sub can dance. What their bodies experience is not the game that has been taken so lightly and almost blasphemed by the players in the bdsm lifestyle. It is a connection of two souls, and in the heat of their moment where bodies blend, they become one. And float they both do. A D/s life is not about sex or bdsm games. Those are simply bonus' in a lifestyle that is very fulfilling. Something players think they have experienced but truly they never have.
 Age: 19
 Norfolk, United Kingdom