
My socks never match and I don't care because even if they are different colors they will both still function as sock. That is a very good way to describe myself and how I do things.

My name is Koki (or Cody in English). I am the crazy, random ADHD Master of a polyfidelitous household in Colorado. My stupid brain works faster then the world around it which drives me slightly crazy at times.

I became a Dom because its hot..... its just fucking hot! As far as I am concerned, there are few things better than one of your girls bringing you a Payday from the pantry and bowing when she hands it to you ... ahhhhh .... ADD moment.

Anyway my interests in no order ..... and go

Astronomy: There is nothing like looking into the void and seeing the beauty of the universe.
Physics: Because every time we increase our understanding of the world we increase our understanding of our selves.
Cosmology: Statistically it is impossible there are no other living things in the universe.
Evolution: To even barely understand how all the wondrous living things on earth became so is breathtaking.
Genetics: Which is the future to curing disease and the future evolution of humanity.
Speed Racer: Because if racing were like that it WOULD change the world.
Ancient Cultures: Humanity never gives ourselves enough credit and by looking at the past it can help us solve the future.
Cooking: Because nirvana can be achieved with so many different flavors.
Electronics: One day the world will move as fast as my brain and electronics will be the key.
Computers: Because when you cant figure out how to fix them you can just delete and reinstall their brain.
Video Games: Who wouldn't want to be Spiderman even for a few hours?
BDSM: Duh....

Pheeeew...Now, I love BDSM. I love most things about it. If you notice my kink list got to the letter M. That because after checking off little boxes for 4 hours, I just couldn't do it anymore. Needless to say, I enjoy a lot of things. But I think my biggest turn on is forced orgasm (i.e. making girls cum a lot, repeatedly, until loss of consciousness is achieved ((YEAH ACHIEVEMENT (Awesome))).

If you want to know something about just about anything, I might probably know, so ask...and if not, my phone is at least half as smart as me, so I'll find it. By all that, I mean that l love intelligent conversation about anything (and I mean anything). One time I had a conversation about the ramification of technological evolution vs biological evolution, then discussed why they add food coloring to canned soda.

I started BDSM at a young age (16) so DAMN IT I am not too young to know what I am talking about! Sorry, had to say it. That drives me crazy. "OH your age begins with a 2 sorry you must not know what your......blah blah blah." Aaaaargh! So frustrating. But there are few BDSM type things I havn't done at one time or another.

This has already gone too long, so if you wanna know more, message me. I am ADD, so my phone tells me all things message like in real time. I'll most likely respond super fast.

Luakaha Ka lā e hiki mai ana