

People call me Rose. I live in Palm Springs which can be a happening place. I would really like to meet more people into the Community, if you know what I mean.

Being a Rose in the desert is hard. Being what we are can make subs/slaves feel isolated and alone. The only saving grace we have at times maybe a CPU, chat, group, phonecalls or messangers. There are periods or stillness that seems to drive minds crazy. Some of us crave those that need, want, or are looking for instruments of their creativity.

Thanks for stopping by and tying me up.


6/22/2006 9:25:23 PM
I've been so busy with work that I have been gone from here it will take me all night to read my emails, so if I don't answer you right away thats it... I'm a bit overwhelmed by the messages but very flattered

5/11/2006 8:47:45 AM
May 12 is my birthday, what would a Desert Rose get as a gift?
5/4/2006 2:51:08 PM
Wow... Thanks everyone for making me feel so welcomed! Rose
 Age: 28