Generous, Creative Businessman
Wants To Find A Good Submissive Woman
With A Good Sense Of Humor
Are you a soft, sexy, exciting lady who would
like to have a little taste of part-time paradise?
If so, read on.
My name is Gary and I am looking for a very
special woman who would like to share a few
small (but exciting!) adventures with me and who
wants to enjoy a part-time slice of the good life.
Are you that woman? Maybe. Maybe not. The
first thing it depends on is me. You see, if I'm not
your kind of guy, then what I have to offer may
not be your idea of how life should be lived.
So let's start with me. Here's what my life is
like. First of all, I'm an early riser. I usually get up
around 6 a.m. and eat a piece of fruit and drink
a cup of coffee, and then, on most days, by 6:30
a.m. I'm jogging around Lake Hollywood. How
far I run depends on how good I feel. It's never
less than three miles and seldom more than
seven. When I'm finished, I get into my car and
drive to a place I call "The House of Pain"
(actually the sign outside says Vince's Gym)
where a stone-age sadist who masquerades as
a fitness instructor forces me to use dumbbells,
barbells, and other fiendish contraptions in ways
for which my body was not designed.
Whatever. After about an hour of this, I travel
to yet another establishment where I give my
tired, hurting body a chance to recover while I
rest upon a UVA suntan bed and listen to
soothing music (usually Rod Stewart or Jimmy
Buffett) on a pair of stereo headphones.
By the time I am finished, it is approximately
9:45 a.m. and what I do next is go home,
shower, change into fresh clothes and eat a light
Finally, after all this, I go to work.
And boy, do I ever work! I love what I do for a
living, and, I must confess, I am truly a
workaholic. For example, right now I am
attempting to put together the financial and
promotional packages for 10 different feature
films. I am writing two books (one fiction and one
non-fiction). I am collaborating on a screenplay
and I am attending to the details of two
businesses I own personally, and also, to the
business details of several corporate and
personal clients whose names are household
It's quite a workload.
And what do I do after I stop working? What
is my big reward for all this running and grunting
and pumping iron and stretching and straining
and writing and thinking and solving and creating
and caring and so on?
Nothing, that's what! Nada. Zip. Not doodley
squat. No "Miller Time!" No drugs. No sex. No
rock and roll.
Not even a little wine and some quiet
classical music.
Why? The answer is simple. You see, for the
last 3-1/2 months, I have been spending my
evenings and weekends on a marathon of non-
stop sulking.
Why have I been sulking? Good question.
And, once again, the answer is simple. You see,
up until 3-1/2 months ago, my "Miller Time" was
terrific. It was terrific because there was a very
beautiful, very erotic, very special lady in my life
and we were in a relationship I thought would
last forever. But, that relationship has ended. It
has ended stupidly, tragically, and for insane
reasons totally beyond the ability of any human
to control.
Well, such is life. But what's done is done and
3-1/2 months worth of sulking is more than
enough for anyone and now it is time for me to
climb up out of my sulk and find myself another
special woman.
So why write an ad? Why do I have to
advertise for a woman? Am I some kind of geek
with two heads and bad breath?
No, I am not. I'm a reasonably attractive
(maybe even semi-handsome?) caucasian male
in his mid-forties with a sparkling personality
(except when I'm sulking), a keen wit, a steady
hand, and a clear eye. I've got a good tan, dark
brown hair and a short, neatly trimmed dark
brown beard with a couple of "interesting" spots
of grey. I am of average size. Not short, not tall,
not fat, not skinny. I'm in excellent health. I'm not
hurting for money and I can look any maitre de in
the country right square in the eye without flinching.
So once again, why do I have to advertise to
get a woman? Well, actually, I don't. I've been
married twice. I've had a few other serious
relationships and, of course, my share of one-
night stands and short-term romances. I've
enjoyed the company of a few really outstanding
submissive ladies and I want to do so again.
 Age: 22