Married dominant male. More to come later.

the more as promised...

first -? No my wife does not know I am here.

Second - Yes I have tried with her and this is not her thing.

third (three words :) - Respect, Protocol, Understanding.

and finally...

him - "He saw Beatrice Portinari across a chapel and he loved her at that instant and for the rest of his life. But then had a disturbing dream"

Her (reading from text) - "Joyous Love seemed to me, the while he held my heart in his hands, and in his arms, My lady lay asleep wrapped in a veil -"

Him (continuing from memory) - "He woke her then, and trembling and obedient, she ate that burning heart out of his hand.? Weeping, I saw him then depart from me."

Her - "Do you believe a man could become so obsessed with a woman from a single encounter?"

Him - "Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for her?Find nourishment in the very sight of her? I think so. But would she see through the bars of his plight, and ache for him?"
2/11/2011 6:11:13 PM

Remember this - She is not submissive because she kneels. She is submissive because having once knelt she is able to stand again when you are through. Its her strength that makes her what she is.