Do us both a favour and restrain yourself from messageing Me irrelevant nonsense.


Not a Domina
Not a Mistress

No sex, no romance, no fetishes.


I believe in absolute exploitation and freedom of choice.



- A result of hard work.

Whether it is the result of Our own hard work of that of another is irrellevant.
Humans exploit, and without some form of exploitation of others, there is no success.
Humanbeings, the most powerful creature on earth?
Humanbeings, the best of exploiters?
We exploit, not because it is Our right, but because We can.
If you are living a comfortable life - someone else is paying the price.

Every creature born starts at an absolute zero in terms of own accomplishments. We humans are born wealthy or poor, beautiful or ugly, with or without intellectual potential. None of which we have aquired Ourselves, We are born defenseless and powerless.

As We grow up, Our abilities grow, and so We are able to make choices.
Most of Us are not aware of the extent of Our own exploitation of others. We take responsibility for Our lives, but only enough that it does not interfere with Our own comfort.
Most of Us do not make a direct and active choice such as stealing, murdering, using or abusing. Although, inactively We all steal, murder, use and abuse.
Every time We make a purchase without controlling the entire chain of transaction, from where the product was grown/manufactured, processed, shipped and stored, to the moment it reaches Our hands.
All humans are guilty of exploitation, knowingly or unknowingly.

Exceptions: Babies, just like housepets do not make choices. Toddlers and young children are too immature to realise the consequences of their actions. Teenagers are too self-absorbed. Some mentally and severely physically disabled people are not able to make active choices.

At a certain point, it is time for a fully functional humanbeing to start making active choices. Some live in oblivion their entire life, others in denial.
But the truth is, whether Our eyes are closed or open: We are all exploiters, users and abusers, killers and thiefs.

There are mild, moderate and severe forms of exploitation. The pimp exploits the prostitute, who exploits the customer who in turn exploits the prostitute.
Whether or not the prostitute made a choice to become a prostitute, among other factors such as working conditions etcetera, determines whether the chain qualifies as mild, moderate or severe.

In any case, whenever free choice is involved, no other being has the right to point fingers and decide wheter or not something is morally defendable or even honorable. It lies in the perception of whomever performs whatever works of their choice in order to accomplish their definition of success.


This is where My freedom begins.

I have chosen a life where I make active choices, and My active choice is to exploit whomever is a willing candidate.

I have no sexual interests on this site, nor do I fantasize about torturing another being, whether psychologically or physically. I am also not looking for any kind of romantic relationship.

My ambition is financial and societal independence. My goal is not to isolate Myself from the rest of the world, but to isolate the rest of the world from Myself.

What do I want from you?

Anything that can be used to reach my goals.
I am looking for candidates of exploitation; financial and personal service alike. Online, and eventually real-time for absolute enslavement.

In time, I am looking for a permanent slave, one that will be held at my disposal any time I please. That slave will be used for my pleasure; labour, housework, chauffeur, chef etc.

The ideal candidate has no preferences, but is driven by servile personality and a genuine desire of being exploited in any form of way.


A slave has absolutely no rights other than those granted by its Owner. Many individuals fail to realise the severity of their claims, including no-limit slavery.
Noteworthy in a no-limit absolute slavery one-way-relationship is that the Owner has all the power whilst the slave has none.
This includes the power to not use that power, meaning that the life of a slave can but does not have to be gruesome and cruel. It is the sovereign right of the slavekeeper to set up rules and limits, whatever they may be aswell as decide the conditions, whether cruel or kind, under which the slave shall live.
It is also up to the slavekeeper to decide the ammount of time and attention, if any is spent with the slave whose only purpose in life is to serve its Owner and whomever its Owner wants served.

The right of a slave are so limited, it does not even decide whether it should live or die.
This in no way implies that the Owner is expected to end the life of its slave, but serves to demonstrate the absolute power a slavekeeper has over its property.

One should think long and hard before referring to oneself as mere cattle, or lesser than an animal, considering the ammount of cattle and other animals that fall victims to the power of the human hand.

As my ultimate goal is having a realtime when-needed slave, a great deal of trust is required. Until trust has been earned, any form of online servitude is welcomed.
Please note that in order for me and those around me to experience full freedom, even a total slave would have to stand for their own housing and be asked to come by when needed.

I am looking forward to using you practically and financially. Suggestions welcomed.

Permission for initial contact granted.








more to come...

2/18/2013 3:57:58 PM

Good Evening Collarme.


After putting up my profile just today, I am feeling the love from a very brave young submissive man who took himself the liberty of sending me a mail with quite the juvenile content. Now I have no idea why this young man decided to contact me, I have not provoked him in any way, and we are all adults here after all.
Since I am polite and dislike being misunderstood however, I spent quite some time composing a reply.
Unfortunitely, I was unable to send my mail since this person had blocked me, so, moderately frustrated and offended by the cowardly approach, and to not have wasted my time I choose to post the initial mail aswell as my response here. Perhaps he will read it and realise that his mail was uncalled for, perhaps not.


From: **************

Dated: 2/18/13 11:30 PM


Nice try, putting me to sleep with a wall of text, but you won't get my money.


My response:


Good Evening.


After your message I took my time to read your entire profile, and what I discovered confused me a little bit.

Quoted from your own profile: "It's just that once money factors into it, I always think you're only after money. Please abstain from contacting me if you demand payment from me."

I do not recall sending you a message requesting money. In fact, I do not recall sending you a message at all.


I do in no intend to be a wiseguy of any kind, but considering that you contacted me, if even just for a joke or perhaps an insult(?) I believe it is my right to question your motives.

I believe you, like many others make the mistake in putting too much importance into money itself. Whenever money is mentioned, people tend to panic and do all sorts of things. In the end it's just money.
Pretty much anything of semi-importance can be bought with money, so I do understand the strong emotions. But in all honesty, realising the usefulness of money does not mean that I, or anyone else for that matter am unable to appreciate things not involving money.


Truly if all I was after was money, I believe it would have been far easier for me to put up a bratty Prince$$ Profile, attatch some provocative pictures in it and hope for some poor bastard to stumble across my Amazon-wishlist.

Rather, I am taking my time to put up an informative profile, displaying my thoughts aswell as desires, in hopes of finding someone that will meet my requirements.
After all, that is the only reason I created this profile.
And clearly, we have different goals and I would normally not conversate with someone whose goals are not compatible with my own. But then again, you contacted me, not the other way around.

Considering the content of my profile, and the fact that you were able to draw such a simple conclusion from reading it in its entirety, which I assume you did before taking yourself the liberty of complaining, might one not think that it is a little odd that all that caught your attention was money? One might wonder if it is you perhaps that has an unhealthy obsession with this currency?


I do however, despite the intrusion wish you good luck in your search for a perfect match, whatever pleases you.

And I can assure you, I have no interest in your money, they are safe right there in your wallet/bank account.



 Age: 37
 Near michigan, Ohio