Time's fun when you're having flies. Ribbitt :-))

Looking to work towards a 24/7/365 permanent live in situation. I have my own home and business (Hospitality).

Not interested in roleplaying or fantasy games. (Well, maybe a little).

You will give me your obediance, devotion and loyalty in return for which you will get the security of a permanent, lifetime position with legal residency in NZ.

You will be trained to perform all of the duties and services that I require of a W.I.F.E. - Washing, Ironing, Food, Entertainment.

You will, over time, become responsible and answerable for the smooth running of my household and maintaining my even disposition, good temper, and wellbeing.
11/8/2009 7:34:19 PM
I feel I've been letting the side down a bit so I've uploaded a gratuitous cockshot to my profile.

I think it fits the general tone of CM quite nicely.
10/29/2009 2:14:44 AM
They're really not bright. This exchange this afternoon. I had to share.

IT: hello dear


IT: hello can you give me you email address

ME: Sure, it's

IT: thank u please i have add u
 Age: 18