
Envelorer - photo 1
Envelorer - photo 2
Envelorer - photo 3
Envelorer - photo 4
Envelorer - photo 5
Envelorer - photo 6

Have many used you and treated you like dirt? you’ve allowed your heart to be ripped out over and over and hate yourself for how it makes you feel?

you know it feels wrong, don't you? is your mind broken inside? Are you confused, now? This has become your new reality, hasn't it? The abuse and degradation is the only thing that makes you feel whole, isn't it?

Message me to see if I/we can put you back in your place...

9/27/2016 1:18:24 PM
I am new to, Oregon. I am from, Southern California. Seriously seeking
a female, slave.
 Age: 33