
Hey All...

So I've been doing this for a long time now and I'm looking for something permanent and long term.

I adore my play. I need a man who will always be strong and demanding, controlling even. However I doubt the possibility of sustaining a 24/7 total power exchange in bdsm terms.

I am a tradtional girl and believe that the man should always be head of the household, the provider and protector. Beneath this, the woman should remain at home to care for the home, the kids and obviously her man, in whatever pleases him... thats not to say it won't please her too...

I am not submissive in my everyday life, apart from to the man with whom I am sharing my time with.

What I want is someone single, intelligent, ambitious and a good communicator.

Contact me if you wish to discuss further

Take Care Now ;)

8/4/2009 3:07:00 PM

Fisting... anyone?

5/16/2009 6:56:10 AM

Jesus... are there really no proper Dominant Men left in the world?

How heartbreaking is that?!

Like what happened to men who go out fishing or like chopping bits of sticks to keep the home fires burning?

Men who got manly-type weather beaten tans while building and fixing things like proper men should.  (As opposed to on a sunbed or a spray tan ffs)

Men who come in from a long hard days work all sweaty and covered in sawdust or gravel...

Men who screw their women like they own them in some fiercly primitive fashion....

Men who swoop into the middle of any kind of drama and sort it out in manly fashion before his woman even has a chance to raise an eyebrow....

What the focking hell is wrong with the men these days, why are you all so focking pussy whipped?  Why don't you know how to be men anymore.

10/6/2008 10:37:09 AM
His Father taught him how to be a man – and not by instilling in him a sense of machismo or an agenda of dominance. He taught him that a real man doesn’t take, he gives; he doesn’t use force, he uses logic; doesn’t play the role of trouble-maker, but rather, trouble-shooter; and most importantly, a real man is defined by what’s in his heart, not his pants.
10/6/2008 10:34:39 AM
There is no happiness where there is no wisdom;
No wisdom but in submission to the gods.
Big words are always punished,
And proud men in old age learn to be wise.
 Age: 26
 Chattanooga, Tennessee