
This site is crap and full of fake profiles of women who are here just to keep the traffic somehow because it offers no quality. That being said, goodbye admins. Good luck with this toilet.
11/20/2017 12:10:30 PM
Something amusing occured to me. All the guys pretending to be women out there, imagine how many times they jerked off while talking to another guy pretending to be a lesbian. Can't wipe the smile of my face. :)
11/15/2017 10:41:01 AM
There are more lesbian female slaves with no limits on then there is (i'm Degrasse-Tysoning this) "individual grains of sand on all the beaches in the entire planet". ;)
11/13/2017 12:33:31 PM
We have spoken to a zillion users here. 6 are women.
11/12/2017 2:11:15 AM
It's very interesting, once you state clearly that you will not talk about dirty details without confirming both profiles are what they claim they are, all of the sudden 90% of very interested parties are not so interested anymore. 
11/12/2017 1:02:04 AM
I've (male part) been in this shit for a while now, and i have been on collarspace before. 
You would think i have gotten used to all the fakes, guys posing as women, scammers looking for money, etc. 
I did not. This is just.... I'm speechless. 
Seriously considering starting a new site and filtering out all the bullshit profiles, just for the sake of the community. 
 Age: 41