
There is a quote I run across from time to time that I believe truly sums what why we are here. "A sub needs to feel wanted. A Dom wants to feel needed."

To me, a submissive woman is the essential woman. she, somehow, is both strong and vulnerable at the same time. A balance she must perfect to offer the gift of her submission.

It is the duty of a Dominant to remember that submission is a gift.

It is the duty of a dominant to nurture, guide and teach her to be all that she wants to be.

Yet, how...

BDSM Relationship 10 Commandments

  1. Thou shalt respect yourself
  2. Thou shalt respect her
  3. Thou shalt respect others who know, and don’t know, who you are to each other
  4. Thou shalt keep no secrets
  5. All thou dost, shall be with consent
  6. Thou shalt not assume consent for something new
  7. Thou shalt respect her boundaries
  8. There shalt be no limits, within those boundaries
  9. Thou shalt do no harm
  10. Thou shalt be the best thou can be for her
 Age: 18
 Liverpool, United Kingdom