

Some interesting facts about me:

-I've jumped off of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas
-I've performed an irish jig in a pub in Ireland
-I've danced through the streets of Japan
-My favorite dessert to bake is my Memere's apple pie
-I've hiked through a desert to reach a small church to light a candle for my dead grandmother, per request by my grandfather
-An ex used to refer to me as The Professional. There is context to this, but not something I'd like to disclose openly to everyone who can see this.
-When I was young and on my first cruise, I got roughed up by a couple of guys in Looney Tunes mascot costumes in an elevator
-I used to be a singer, actor, director, and performance poet
-I was in a band for one show, then we split
-I've taken a lazy river-style tube ride through a cave system
-I've been rejected from going to the Vatican because I was wearing shorts
-During my first acting performance, I forgot part of a monologue, so I ab libbed and ended it with "and some other stuff happened".
-I've played strip Apples to Apples
-Per my friend, Casey, one night out, "ooo, firm ass".
-I've had lunch in the grand canyon
-I've dislocated my knee three times: the first time playing floor hockey, second during a soccer game, and the last time playing volleyball in a pool
-In college, I pulled off a kirk-kobayashi maru type of thing in a non-profit accounting course. I did not end up becoming captain of my own starship, afterwards.
-I've had an article written about me by someone attending the SALT institute
-I accidentally caused my junior high school to close down as a result of ripping stuff off of the pipes. turned out to be asbestos.
-I've parasailed in Hawaii
-I've gotten lost in a rural part of Kyoto, Japan
 Age: 25