
ContainedJoy - photo 1
ContainedJoy - photo 2

I'm a bunny-girl pet with a wonderful Master.

I like:

- BDSM (obviously)

- Furry

- Petplay

- Pain

I'm a bit of a nerd girl, and I love video games and cosplay.


We have a semi-open relationship, in that we will play with others, but only with mutual knowledge and consent. If we do anything explicitly sexual, both of us must be involved. Neither of us are looking for romance. Neither of us want to play with anyone we don't know, and I have no interest in other dominants. Online domination does not interest me, either.

I'm just here for friendship, and if I ever start running events again, I'll probably promote them through here.    


Yes, the pictures are all of me, including the blonde (that's a cosplay wig).

No, I am not a stripper, I just enjoy dancing on poles when I get the opportunity. I'm not good at it.

2/1/2013 2:33:26 AM
No, I am not a man. No, I will not provide proof in the form of Skype, Yahoo, or other IM screen names. Since I'm only here for friends with shared interests, chances are that if you care about my genitals, you aren't looking for a friend, and should move along.
 Age: 27
 Wall, New Jersey