(Profile under construction) Looking for cute, experienced, small girl to own as a pet. A piece of property, she will have her living expenses taken care of, a place to live, food, humane treatment and will receive love and affection for good behavior. I'm a sadist and love embarrassing, humiliating, degrading and physically hurting my girl pets. There will be lots of prolonged torture, objectification, rubberdolling, puppy training, slut training, and needless to say I'll have plenty fun with raw physical domination as I can bench press your bodyweight for very high reps. I will turn you into my perfect ideal slave. New pet girl must meet following criteria: -Cute -Clean -No metal health issues that prevent you from functioning socially -Able to leave old life behind -Able to be trained to obey -Willing to perform your share of household chores -Willing to give up all control of her personal life
-Willing to be used as a sex slave at ANY time -Willing to be part of a poly household if the situation should arise -Willing to forget her old self and transition into a new person -(More to come) (about the person who will own you, me) -I know exactly what I want from you -I have my interests in nutrition, exercise, Jeet Kune Do, powerlifting, movies, music, traveling and adventure, hanging with my bros. -I have high standards in the way of slaves -I am happy with my life -My passion is powerlifting, which is lifting weights so heavy one can only pick them up once before exhaustion, resulting in true physical strength but doesn't build muscle, anyone with large muscle mass is weak in comparison to a powerlifter, for real strength comes from CNS neural adaption. You usually see all these huge guys who think they're strong but they're not, they're just weak and fat with glucose fluid filled muscle fibers. If you can't perform a lift in at least twice your bodyweight, you're weak. -My goal is to be able to bp, ohp, pc, dl, row and squat in five times my body weight. and perhaps become the strongest man in my state. -My other passion is Kobudo Nunchaku-Jutsu. -I am a vegetarian, however I still ingest more protein in a day than you do in a week. -I take care of myself. -My future career plans fork at either being a doctor or a shop owner.
 Age: 26