If I were shopping for a submissive or a slave, I would claim that I am intelligent, well-educated, literate, articulate, creative, physically fit and moderately attractive. I could be lying, of course, but no one lies on the internet, right? I'm a teacher and a writer, but for the sake of my privacy I'd prefer not to elaborate. I can say that I have begun to explore the D/s lifestyle with a young woman whom I love very much; I've accepted her as my pleasure slave and concubine, and she seems delighted to be spoken for. I'm here to read, to think, perhaps to write and to chat with like-minded individuals about the pursuits that compel us.
5/10/2006 8:25:26 AM
Apropos my recent thoughts on long-distance D/s relationships, I thought I'd include a poem I wrote for Halcyone some while ago. It addresses both the joys and the frustrations of our time apart.


You deserve to be cherished.
Your waters are still but profound,
Like a pool
In the temple of a pagan goddess.
I have looked into you
And seen myself--
Oh strange and wonderful--
Stronger than I am.

In my dreams, I can set my hand to you.
I put my hand
Into you,
And I feel that you feel me;
Like a pool
You open yourself in my shape
And ripple back in my shape,
And both of us are beautiful.

Mine the impulse,
Yours the splendor.
Oh, you
Are meant for more than common love.
You should be caught up
In a love as sublime as the crack of a
On the back of your thighs.

I want to beat you
Until I break your shell
And give birth to your serpent self,
Painted and sinuous and terrible, and

In my dreams.
I can't, of course.
I can only hold myself
And not you.
Put my hand to myself
Like a pagan god
And give birth to our imagined world.

But you--
I love you with more than common love;
I cherish you
As you deserve.

3/28/2006 7:47:29 AM
Mantra for today: A dominant walks in the murky borderland between authority and vainglory.
 Age: 33