Who is bellydancerslave? How many people have asked me that in the past few days? Always I wonder what to tell them. How does one define who they are in a single sentence? What words can encompass who they are and what they feel… how does one make a single statement on what they want from life and how they have lived it?

Who is bellydancerslave? What makes her tick, why is she a slave, where is she in life and where does she want to go? All great questions that if I knew the answer to them I would probably be a very happy person.

You know me, everyone knows me. You see me moving back and forth with restless anticipation of the next moment in life, struggling to do what needs to be done.

Who is bellydancerslave? why does she comfort those who seem to need her help? Why does she get herself in trouble to get someone else out of it? Why does she take the blame just to stop the fighting? Where is she from that causes her to not know what hate is, to not understand it, to refuse it? How did she become who she is?

Yeah, bellydancerslave, that girl who actually knows what it’s like in a cold room, albeit with a bit more clothing one. The one who is smaller than you are, who makes you look down to see her eyes… The girl Yeah you remember her, that girl…. the one who stared at you for the longest moment before moving. The one that seemed to remember you, from another life?

You know me, the one that always seems to have something to do, and not a moment to sit still, but if I look at you. If I see you, suddenly you are the only person in the world. You know me, the girl that never seems to stop smiling, the one who can’t be beautiful, but somehow leaves the impression that she might be. The one who smiles at you until you could swear she’s smiling not for the world, but for you alone. You know me.

bellydancerslave. She always seems to know what you want, and seems absolutely flabbergasted and upset when she doesn’t. You know bellydancerslave, that girl that wishes to make everyone happy, and often at her own expense.bellydancerslave, you know her. The one who can’t stay out of trouble, the one with the sad looking eyes and the joyful outlook in life.

You know me, bellydancerslave. You see me everyday in the eyes of those you pass on the streets and in the stores. I am the one at work who can’t stop laughing and is the first to laugh aloud at the comics or some such. bellydancerslave, that girl who hides out behind the world… always looking so sad, yet so ready to be happy….

Who is bellydancerslave? She’s crude, she’s sometimes rude, but she never means it badly. She’s full of apologies and always ready and willing to make things right.

Remember the girl in school who knew all her subjects and was hated? Remember that person in life last night who was reading the magazine, the one who gave a kid change to get an ice cream? Remember that girl who just kept getting redder and redder when you mentioned her… complimented her? Remember the poems you read that made you want to cry for the author? Remember the girl who wouldn’t let you squish a spider? The one who saved a mouse? The one with the odd pets?

 Age: 28
 Bisamberg, Austria