No apologies... I’m going to proudly enjoy every dark and twisted aspect of life.

If that’s not your thing, and I damn well hope it isn’t for the majority as life would get way too boring if everyone was the same, good luck playing with the nicer side of things. I’m happy to let the masses go and just focus on the few who really, truly, want what I’m offering.

Still reading? Well, you’ve been warned.

I’m not gentle. I’m going to torture my playthings. Expect tears. Expect needle, nails, blood, teeth, knives.

I’m not kind. Expect humiliation, degradation. Nothing even close to the whole “The submissive gives a precious gift” line or “equal but different.” You’re not going to be treated as an equal. You’re not going to be treated as special. We’ll start from worthless and, if you somehow manage to earn it, we might make it to the status of a lowly animal – but life’ll never be fair or even close to it.

Expect to be stripped, displayed, exposed. Expect pictures to be taken and no choice given to what happens to them. Expect to walk streets naked after dark. Expect to be left tied to lampposts like a dog. Expect to be given to strangers and rated on your performance.

Expect to be trained that all men are above you – not because you’re a woman and I’m a misogynist but because you are you, far beneath anyone else in status, and this is nothing you didn’t know was coming right from the start. And, for God’s sake, don’t even think about trying to pull any racist crap about not doing anything with black men – even if you do believe race makes a difference, you’ll still be far beneath everyone.

Why on earth would anyone want all of that? If you have to ask, it’s not for you. The girls it is for already know, their hearts are already fit to burst from their breasts, their little pussies dripping. They know what it means to finally find someone sane who can actually deliver the real fantasy rather than play at it, feel guilty, and want to cuddle afterwards. They know that this is what takes them far closer to sadistic slavery than everyday fantasy.

Sane? How on earth can any of that be sane? Insanity is the loss of impulse control. Certainly, this is me having fun. But, fun aside, I’m perfectly content to only practice all of the above on those who really want to consent and let it go should no one do so.

Consent? Absolutely. It is, ultimately, all-important to me. It’s what differentiates this from abuse.

At any moment, you can revoke your consent to continue – everyone always keeps that right. Do so, to try getting out of something hard, and know that, once revoked, it’ll never be taken back. You get one chance at this. Get scared, run, that’s fine – you always get to – but you don’t get a second chance. That’s where the ties truly bind you.

Likewise, consent holds for others. I’m not going to ask you to have sex with an animal that can’t consent, ask you to do anything with a child who, by definition, is below the age of consent. Everything else… Sounds like fair game. Think you’re brave enough to play?

If you do, write to me. What I’m offering is way too extreme for most people – so my emailing people at random on here hardly makes much sense. If this is for you, - and I trust your body and soul are already screaming that it is – I trust you’ll take the initiative rather than let fear, or pride, hold you back. Start typing in that little email box and see if you can convince me you’re capable of everything I’ve described.

The rest of you? I hope you had a fun fantasy reading all of that. If it outraged you, try and remember we’re all different and different strokes suit different folks.

 Age: 18
 Leeds, United Kingdom