
i will try to keep this straight forward and to the point as i realize Your time is valuable. i want to say upfront thank You for taking the time for reading my profile. If You have any suggestions on how to improve it please let me know. Due to my field of work i cannot post my picture publicly, i am very sorry but i hope You understand. A little about myself, i am 6'1", 221lbs, i have black hair, brown eyes(not much creativity with the coloring of my hair and eyes. i would have gone with Green for my eyes and Red for my hair if i had a choice), 2" when hard and i am still a virgin. i firmly believe that a Woman should be obeyed at all times and never questioned. Men were put on the earth to worship Women and do what they say so that Women are happy and that is it. A males desires really do not matter so i shall not waste Your time with mine. If You have any other questions, please contact me. Actually, please contact me even if You do not have any questions! :-)
 Age: 18
 Charleston, West Virginia