
I desire to once again be Head of Household in a Female Led Relationship. My immediate family growing up was not Matriarchal for My parents but most of My Mother's family was full of soft Matriarchies. That culture clash made for a difficult relationship between My parents. After being in a traditional relationship in My 20's which did not go well, I decided that I needed to switch to the Matriarchal types of relationships like the ones that I saw in My Mother's family. All of My adult relationships prior to My most recently past one were definitely what I would call "Soft Matriarchies". That relationship was a 2 year FLR which ended by his release from my service. I know that what works for Me is in an intense loving connected relationship one on one and My answer for Me is best fulfilled by the devotion of an attuned submissive partner. I have found this devotion is best promoted by an FLR structure. I am looking for a specific type of relationship and I do not really have time to be exploring improbable possible relationships. I require monogamous commitment from my partner and I willingly give that to my partner as well. I do not have a desire for physical domestic discipline so a partner who prefers that kind of physicality would not be workable in the long term. My "kink" level is actually quite small compared with much of what is out there but I require submission as a full time lifestyle in my relationships.

That being said, I do subscribe to orgasm control. One of my rules is complete chastity (no orgasms) without my permission, especially while not in my presence and no porn at all. I have not in the past required a chastity device but I am currently rethinking that option. I also find that orgasm control allows for better attunement between myself and my partner which is my most important goal. I am a practicer of Karezza and Oming as well as other forms of sensual dominance.

I believe in the importance of a secure and trusting foundational relationship. In a foundational relationship both partners must be fulfilled spiritually, emotionally, as well as physically. I am looking for a partner who not just meets my need in the direction of FLR but I am also looking for a partner whose personality fits with mine on more of the foundational relationship parameters. I don't check this site often and don't like the interface here very much. This is a personal preference. If you wish to contact me please do so on FL at the same username AlphaAvalon - otherwise I may not get your message at all.
 Age: 25