To Be ALL Destiny Calls For—With A Sincere Honest Heart! Will you live the life of your destiny?

I have KNOWN all MY Life that I Am a Goddess of heart and soul—MY nature is dominant. However, I have not truly grasp the reality of MY True Position until recently---only having had one slave under MY authority and control. Which in most eyes makes ME One Novice-GODDESS. Even though I may be a novice in practical experience I have tasted the authoritative delicious morsel of WHO I Am in the depth of MY soul—knowing what a TRUE slave needs and yearns for emotionally, physically, mentally, sexually and spiritually.

I Am demanding, very strict and cruel as you need I be while loving you for being what you NEED for your growth and MINE and Our pleasure in it all. I will afford all the pain you NEED to extend your pleasure and MINE. As well as however MUCH perversion you yearn for I Am MORE than pleased to offer that even going beyond whatever is the desire of your heart with the intuition to know that that little further push will increase your delight and growth. Just as it will give ME immense Pleasure. (I did not list all my likes, I will share those with each individually.) I Am all to you—Goddess, Priestess, Queen, Mistress-Madam, Lady-Warrior, Saint, Sister, Mother-Mommy, Teacher, Daughter-In Control Over you, Lover, Bride and MORE. Know most assuredly that in ALL that I Am to you I Am your Dominant Superior Ruling over your heart, life and soul. But, NEVER Ever Am I your submissive!

Spiritually, I walk the path of YAH-GOD----I bow to the ONE GOD. I know every path is to HIM and ALL are here to find the way to walk into That LIGHT-ENERGY. As it is so that each have a different path to That LIGHT, however ALL submit to The Creator—ALL in time become ONE With The LIGHT. But on the way into The LIGHT there are lessons to learn and lessons to teach and tests to overcome. So as surely as I believe in The ONE WHOM I Honor and Worship—The ONLY True Deity (Whatever NAME you may choose to call HIM/HER/IT). I also understand that there are those to be honored as earthly gods and goddess here in this world. I do not believe it is blasphemes to the ONE True GOD to pay homage to the earthly gods and goddesses. Part of learning to Serve the ONE GOD is to learn to submit to one’s MASTER and/or GODDESS on earth. If this belief offends you then pass ME right by, but if you grasp MY heart then keep reading.

If you have a heart connection with ME and know what I Am saying and feel the truth of it in your soul then you will understand the rest of what I Am about to say. If you are to be MY submissive slave you will worship ME (and your GOD as you will) as I Worship YAHVAH and pray to HIM for you and Our relationship as Mistress-Goddess and submissive-slave that We come to Our complete capability of what is Our potential as Goddess and slave. Then one day we will walk out of this world being complete Spirit KNOWING We have achieved all We have come here to learn and to teach each other. I must tell you also, that I see great benefit in ritual which I take part in Worshiping YAH, MY GOD. I will also direct you in ritually worshiping ME as your Goddess.

To learn the lessons I have come to this life to learn, you as slave are very important to ME so that I might accomplish the awesome experience of being Goddess. Just as you NEED ME to teach you all you must experience in being MY slave. I need to use you as much as you need ME to use you for the betterment of Our lives in this world and the one that is to come.

Now to be completely honest I must share this to better clarify WHO I Am. Though, it is not done with the intent of bringing a negative aspect upon the BDSM world or to offend any that live by its dictates but simply to give MY overview. I Am very aware of the "scene" lifestyle, however, I see it all as a game of play and sex fun. Which, is fine, of course, if it is just play and fun so be it, which makes it for you not for ME. I have heard two opposite opinions on the lifestyle—one being it is all fun and play and then there is another group saying they take it very seriously. However, the so called "slaves" of Domes and Masters in this game of play, whether playing seriously or for fun, are the true Masters over the so called "Dominates"—the slaves demand control. These "slaves" tell the "Dominants" how it will be, what they are willing to do–how and when and where and on what terms they will do it. The slave continues adding more and more demands putting themselves first above the dominant. So, what I see of the lifestyle is that it is all PRETEND—either seriously pretending or funning pretending—which ever, there is nothing REAL about it! These "slaves" are constantly making demands----bottom line is that the slave will not play the game if it is not played their WAY. Though, it may be understood by all parties that it is just a game. Nevertheless it is obvious that this "lifestyle" is NOT for ME because I DO take MY destiny and MY growth seriously.

I know, life is but an illusion—I agree with that TRUTH. At any rate, I know that MY illusion were mapped out with the intent of learning serious lessons in this life ENJOYING every step of the path I have chosen. Then at every turn quenching the thirst of MY destiny while draining the cup of ALL the Pleasures it has to offer ME with gusto.

Even if you are laughing out loud at what I write and are telling ME to quite taking it all so serious and just get in the flow of the game, well, that is your prerogative. May your games provide you ALL you require in life—Enjoy them and be Blessed in them. With that said, I still must ask, is there any REAL slaves out there? Is there any that are NOT just playing being submissive slave, but know the Truth of their souls longing and call? Is there one of you that KNOWS in your heart that you are truly slave and will submit completely to The TRULY Dominant WHO Is here to teach you to KNOW your true self and how to die to your self-absorbed ego? Is there a truly submissive that will, or at least, has a heart which truly yearns to submit TOTALLY and COMPLETELY?

If there is any such animal—male or female, write ME. I Am ready to inner MY destiny and be done with the games. Are you???????

There is so much more I could add, but I will do that one on one as you message ME here at collarme.

I Am about to have recent photos made and when they are ready I will be sending them by request. As for MY physical appearance: I Am fair of face, 6'2" in heals, very long hair (as for the color, it changes as MY moods change), though naturally it is a dark shade of blond. I Am large, working out daily I Am very strong—as strong as many men. MY breast size is 44E with a Big Booty. I have been called Beautiful by many men and women, though, the saying that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder," is a true one. All the same, beauty is also in the mind of each individual—if one believes they are ugly most of the world will agree, the same for believing in ones own beauty. I do see A Rose-Goddess of Beauty in The Woman Who looks back at ME each time I look upon MYSELF. So it is that I will see MY own beauty reflected in your eyes.

I have been as honest as I can be in ALL things said here, now it is your turn.

4/4/2005 8:17:47 PM
Again, is there anyone that can tell me why replies sent are not going through?  Thanks.  Goodnight.
4/2/2005 7:34:03 PM

Again, this is why you have not heard from ME.  Messages will not go through.

4/2/2005 7:32:15 PM
There are many here that have written ME.  The site will allow ME to read some of your messages on occasion, but not send messages.  So, if you are waiting to here from ME this is why you haven't.
3/30/2005 5:22:59 PM
Still a problem with the site.
3/29/2005 6:51:27 PM
I will answer MY messages when and if the site problem is resolved.  I did try.  Good night.
3/28/2005 8:31:07 PM
I AM still not able to answer emails here.  If anyone can give ME a reason to what is going on I would like to know.  Good night all.
3/28/2005 12:26:42 PM
I tried again this morning to send messages, but was unable to.  I will try again later today.
3/27/2005 8:23:44 PM
There must be a problem  with the site, I can read messages but unable to send any.  Will try again in the morning.  Good night all.
3/26/2005 10:10:49 PM

Happy Easter
ALL GOD'S creation is to be fruitful and Multiply.  May all your Joys be multiplied through this Season.

I will be replying to emails after the weekend. 

 Age: 44
  South Carolina