7/7/2010 6:46:49 AM
Well, I was told this morning, there will be No room for me in His life in the future.

I have befriended the two long time people (outsiders) whom took advantage of my situation and coercied me into hurting (emotionally) my Dominate. I had not ever in my life hurt someone else cuz I had been hurt so many times, so I knew the feeling.

So, what does one do when they have bonded deeply and love their Dominate very much and they loved You? How do You just walk away?

He has requested no communication whatsoever. Its like having my own throat sliced wide open and perfusely bleeding all over and no where to turn.

I only have my daughter in my life now but she does not know about my lifestyle; she supported my Dominate and I.  I feel so lost now.
7/6/2010 7:03:03 AM
Formerly (LH2);   I was released 7-5-2010 because I listened to the opinions of two "outsiders" about my personal life, instead of being obedient and listening to my Dominate. Its ALL my fault for this separation. I still love Him deeply. I will wait for Him, maybe He will find mercy and forgive me.

 Age: 28
 Gray, Georgia