Hetero Male, 41, Portland, Oregon 

Orgasmic escape in a black velvet bed,

Ruby tears that virgin blade longs to shed...

From simpler beginnings have legends sprung high.

What sort of tale shall we tell, you and I?

DISCLAIMER: Honesty is important, so let's cut right to the chase. My rule is, "If you can't get into my head, you can't get into my bed," so please practice intelligence in your responses. I'm back on here mainly for socializing, networking, and the occasional stab at pleasurably painful fun (if you're either that lucky or that interesting).

I am NOT actively seeking sex, though I am still (barely) human, so if spending between three and twenty-four hours suspended in ropes and/or mid multiple-orgasm sounds to you like a good day, then write me.
I am NOT interested in you so-called "Pro Dommes;" you're an unimpressive lot at best. I've broken two of you already and scared a third into early retirement. I can withstand more pain than you've probably the stomach to dish out (unless you've killed someone before), and I know how to use most of your equipment better than you do. In short, your dungeons are not worthy of my blood, so don't even bother.
I AM looking for local, like-minded fetishists to befriend, with whom I can exchange notes and ideas or just hang out. I am, first and foremost, an imaginative intellectual. Challenge my mind if you can... and maybe then I'll let you challenge my body.
Living life to its absolute fullest,
4/4/2017 12:31:35 PM: After observing how tragically low the average IQ around here really is...After being led on and lied to by one of you...  (Q. - Who flirts with someone, asks someone for their phone number, encourages someone to send a selfie, and then abruptly cancels all communication?  A. - Only the shallowest kind of person!)After watching a once-reasonable nation succumb to scientific illiteracy and distrust of rationality...... I have decided to draw a fat fucking line in the proverbial sand! Do NOT message me if even ONE of the following provably-factual statements causes your delicate sensibilities to twitch: Our 45th so-called “President” lost the popular vote by almost three million!  He and his entire corrupt cabinet are illegitimate, and removing them all from office needs to be America’s (if not the world’s) top priority! Climate Change is REAL!!!  (No, the jury’s NOT still out on that one; it’s been decided!  It’s happening!  We need to deal with it!  End of story.) Vaccines do not cause autism!  (And even if there had ever been any real proof that they did, it says only monstrous things about you if you’d rather sacrifice yours and other people’s children to preventable diseases than try to love and care for an autistic child!) Cannabis, or marijuana, is medicine, and has never killed or harmed anyone or anything except the interests of Big Pharma.  More to the point, it’s saving a lot of lives as I type this sentence, everyone from PTSD sufferers to cancer patients!  You don’t have to smoke it, or enjoy it being smoked around you, but if “Reefer Madness” or the D.A.R.E. program or any other negligent misinformation has caused you to sneer or scoff at it, then we shouldn’t hang out.  I don’t have the kind of time that it would take to undo brainwashing that deep. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are perfectly safe!  You folks realize we genetically altered our food the day our species started planting crops in rows, right?  Like it or not, you’re demonizing Farming when you demonize GMOs. Science is not a belief system; merely the term humankind long ago chose to apply to the ONLY effective method we’ve ever discovered for countering our own fallibility.  If anyone ever discovers a better way to separate what’s provably true from what isn’t, maybe we’ll defer to that instead. Feminism does not mean women hating – or wanting superior treatment to – men!  You don’t get to change the definition of a word just because the original one doesn’t suit your bigotry; that’s why we have dictionaries.  Take the issue up with Webster’s or Oxford if you disagree. Atheism is not the hatred of one or many gods, or even the insistence that they don’t exist; you’re thinking of Anti-theism.  Atheists are merely people who recognize that Theists have continuously failed for thousands of years to meet their burden-of-proof.  We’re still waiting, though… in the default position of “disbelief.” Every currently-catalogued living organism, be it plant or animal, has two things in common with all of its fellows without exception:  they can all sense when they’ve been injured or damaged (a sensation you and I know as “pain”), and they all maintain/sustain themselves at the expense or demise of other organisms to some degree or another.  This is a hopefully-less-antagonistic-sounding way to say that no precedence for veganism exists anywhere in nature.  Sorry to break it to you, and don’t let me stop you from being you… but if it’s a fact that offends you, we probably shouldn’t hang out. Basically, if facts offend you, we definitely shouldn’t hang out!  Yeah, let’s just go with that.There; that ought to weed out everyone on here who isn't worthy to know me.

2/8/2017 2:16:59 PM: Three years?  Really?!?  Wow… okay!  I may as well reintroduce myself at this point. Hi.  Aza here; semi-active member since CS was CM.  I accept the Dominant title with reluctance, since such epithets rarely describe a fraction of who any of us are or have the potential to be.  (If you need the comfort of a definition, go for it; wear that thing ‘till its seams rip!)  My experiences on here – as in, actually on the website itself – have been pleasant enough, but that’s the luxury of picking and choosing our conversations via social media.  I regret that I don’t have as many experiences offline through this website; I had specialized reasons for being here, and they were not entirely for my own benefit.  And yet… … well, let’s see where this post takes us. I’m not quite sure what compelled me to return.  I mean, specifically I remember the email alert that someone had messaged me, and my brain telling me to just check the damn thing this time instead of ignoring it.  From there, I discovered in my inbox a modest collection of requests for further editions of the Eye-Roll Awards.  (Thank you for the appreciation!)  That inspired me to cruise around on this site for about a day in search of material, which in turn led to a self-discovery in regards to my changing desires and their effect on my place here. That’s not what was supposed to happen, of course!  This process was supposed to be formulaic; clockwork!  I was supposed to read a bunch of ironic, hypocritical, illogical bullshit, and be inspired enough to call it out in a comically-insulting fashion.  Instead, I read a bunch of ironic, hypocritical, illogical bullshit, and felt… merely a momentary twinge of amusement followed by nothing.  I couldn’t bring myself to care about any of it enough to write even the shortest post or paragraph!  I was nearly tempted to craft something extensive about a depressingly common spelling mistake (at least among American women), resulting in the confusion between mythical celestial beings and the geometric term for the intersection of two lines.  (“Fallen Angle?”  Obtuscifer!)  However, as you can see, my brain burped out half a joke before becoming bored again. But so what, right?  The “Eye-Roll Awards” thing was fun, and probably my most memorable contribution to this site (since apparently there are some who think it a contribution), but it was hardly my only reason for being here.  So… what were the others again?  (It seems the day you turn 41 is the day the senility finally kicks in full-steam.) Regrettably, my original reason for creating a profile was to assist my then-girlfriend with finding a girlfriend of her own… but we ended the search with a decision to attempt mutual monogamy, a choice that apparently didn’t sit as well with her as she originally advertised.  Rather than honestly admit her changing feelings (because feelings totally do that, and that’s understandable), she thought it best to cheat on me (much less understandable); with a different guy, no less. That eliminates two of my purposes on this site, my first and my favorite.  Now I’m asking myself what’s left, and having a difficult time answering. I made a handful of friends on this site back when it was CM, and almost none of them followed it to its new location.  Since then, decent – much less stimulating – conversation has been a scarcity (though fortunately it hasn’t gone entirely extinct), and the friends and chats that I do make and/or maintain could be easily continued on other sites, sites that cater more closely to what I’m currently seeking in the Social Interaction department.  This site caters to the shallowest end of the pool of sexuality, and what I want is anything but shallow! What I want is nothing less than what I was previously tricked into thinking I’d found, only this time without the trickery.  I want an intense connection that extends beyond the physical!  It’s not that I don’t find pleasure in casual encounters; it’s just that I vastly prefer mutual artistry.  I wish to entwine minds and bodies in the kind of orgasmic poetry that can only be written by two people with an immensely powerful and all-encompassing attraction!  I want to develop a furious and requited need to get so close with someone that it feels inconvenient having these damn bodies in the way at all!  Also, per the results of previous experiments (always be scientific), I prefer that person to be female… since, after all, there ARE bodies in the way. I want a fellow author who will create worlds with me, and a fellow actor to help me transcribe those worlds for a wider audience!  I want a duet partner with whom to warble and harmonize, and a dance partner to twirl across whatever size floor is available!  I want someone with whom to hit every party in the city one night, and the next stay in and watch “Futurama” reruns or a new episode of “Vikings.”  I want someone who’ll hike with me, and someone who’ll open-mic with me; someone to travel with and someone with whom to make a home; someone who’ll rock my world and someone who’ll make it seem safer! And here’s the kicker:  maybe they don’t all have to be the same person like I used to think they did!  (I mean, look at the length of that Wish List!  That’s too much to lay on any one person.) The only thing they all have to be is honest!  Contrary to what fascist white-supremacist malignant narcissists and their mindless Troll armies will tell you, there is NO SUCH THING as an “alternative fact.”  Facts are facts – those things that prove themselves to be true time and time again after extensive, repeated testing and research.  If the only source you have for a “truth” is someone telling you it’s true, it is not a fact until and unless you can back it up with reliable sources and/or studies.  If my only incentive for believing what you say is you saying it, that’s not enough.  There is no truth of yours that my mind isn’t open enough to handle; not one!  It might be a truth that necessitates our seeking different partners, but that just means we weren’t right for each other; lies aren’t going to force our compatibility.  If you have a preference so weird or a secret so dark that it’s kept you from happy relationships, it means you shouldn’t be pursuing relationships until you get your shit together.  Besides, honesty is by far the laziest choice in a world where our brains have to keep track of enough already.  Imagine not having to cover your bases or keep tabs on who knows what version of your story! Perhaps that’s why I’m still here, then.  Perhaps sites like this make it easier to say, “Here’s what I’m looking for,” followed by the honest admission that one person is not obligated to fulfill all of these ridiculous and often conflicting human desires, and the reluctant acceptance that maybe I’m no more expected or even invited to fulfill them all for others. I’m certainly still open to monogamy.  You might even say it’s my natural element!  (My parents will be blissfully celebrating their golden anniversary in just over another year, having never fought with, cheated on, or divorced one another.  What kind of example do you THINK that set for me growing up?  I’m an unparalleled relationship god, so long as the goddess involved at least knows what the word “compromise” means!)  I’ve just learned – am learning – to be realistic about expecting exclusivity, and about expecting that others are expecting it. As for the Eye-Roll Awards, if anyone else would like to host those, I’ll happily turn over the project… provided you send a sample of your work for perusal.  I’m not handing my baby over to an unfit parent.  ;)

2/2/2014 11:40:43 AM: Well, that was surreal! I mean, I’ve read/heard some weird stories from some of you about CM’s penchant for being a hotbed of immature behavior, but this took three extra cakes... deborah8846 – “Do you like _____________?” Me – “I do! Pleasure to meet you!” deborah8846 – “Send me a pic of you with your _________________.” Me – “I can’t actually take or send anything with a broken digital camera; science being a thing and all.” deborah8846 – “Your inability to send a pic of exactly what I want exactly when I want it means you’re a liar! Ha-Ha! Neener neener neener!” *BLOCK* Which inspires this Public Service Message: Parents, PLEASE do a better job in the future of knowing what your kids are doing with your internet access. Kink-based social networking sites have enough problems with fake profiles without your twelve-year-olds running amok on them. Thank you. For my part, I guess I'll have to start asking for proof of intelligence/education/maturity before I respond to just any old greeting.

7/31/2013 11:28:03 PM: As of today (and more than a year too late), I’ve finally decided to openly employ the popular CM rule of “Read my Journal or GTFO!” You see, I’m able to assign (almost) all of the mail I’ve accumulated over the last year and a half to one of two categories (not including those few letters which were actually very sincere and well thought-out).  Most of it falls under the “One-Phrase Praise” column, which I don’t have a problem with so long as my Inbox doesn’t get too cluttered.  The remainder consists of messages from people who read no further than the last line of my Bio before getting all reactionary, responding with some less-articulate variation of, “Nuh-uuh, and fuck you in your oversized ego!” To the cluster of complaints about my ego, I shouldn’t even have to refer you to the preceding Journal entry, because you damn well should have read it already before writing to me.  It explains in brutal detail exactly why my public display of confidence REALLY bothers you, and how it has nothing to do with me. Concerning the exact comment that ruffled several of your feathers, if my intelligence level bothers you all that much, there’s nothing stopping you from advertising your own strengths.  This site is clearly tailored for self-promotion, and my claim is more factually provable than the vast majority of claims made by profiles here on CM.  Challenge me if you like; I wouldn’t have made such an easily-testable assertion if I weren’t prepared to back it up.  Just so you’re aware though, it says nothing positive about your own level of intellect, when you try to call me on mine without bothering to read even one of my Journal entries... ... and, if your excuse for not reading someone’s Journal is the equivalent of, “T.L.D.R. (Too Long, Didn’t Read),” then you are officially banned from ever questioning anyone else’s intelligence ever again!  The entirety of my Journal contents would comprise maybe one chapter of a proper novel (less, if the novel-in-question is one of mine), and if your simple brain can’t even ingest a chapter’s worth of well-written text, then you already fail at life. Meantime CM, consider your lesson to me communicated:  A year is not NEARLY enough time to stay clear of this site and its collage of overly tender egos and easily-insulted insecurities. There; may just one of my Journal entries at last be short enough for your myopic minds to manage.  (Seriously!  I say I'm fucking a former porn star, and my claim about my IQ is the one you guys jump on???  Both are equally provable, but still...)

3/7/2012 4:27:27 PM: Yes, yes, I know full well that I haven't made a journal entry in over a year.  Allow me to demonstrate why... ... with a new edition of the Eye-Roll Awards!  Originally I'd wanted to hold these monthly, but that proved an overly ambitious endeavor in the midst of other deadlines.  What I have managed to assemble was compiled gradually over the course of 2011.  I regret that the list is short, but including more examples would've required reading more journals, and as masochistic as I am, I do have my limits. 'how does only wanting a white Master make me a racist?? I do not date out side my race thats old school ways' Sweetheart... old-school ways ARE racism!  You're as ignorant as those folks in Virginia who were trying to celebrate 'Confederate heritage' while ignoring everything upon which that 'heritage' was based. “_____ is now owned by me..... She is MY girl and will not be searching for anyone else. She is the girl I have been waiting for and I respectfully ask you all to no longer try and get with her as her profile will be monitored. Thank you for your time.' Translation:  'I can't rely on my charm, looks, or personality to keep this girl interested in me, so I've resorted to caging.'  Ladies, does it really make you feel good when a guy just pees all over you like that?  (That's probably a dangerous question to ask on this site.)  Granted, this poor girl is only nineteen years old, so she can't expect to attract men with real class yet. “The world would be a much more exciting and peaceful place if it was just women and no men what so ever :)' First off, 'exciting' and 'peaceful' are dangerously close to antonyms (but you probably don't know what that word means).  Second, without men, the excitement in the world would all but vanish... though I'll grant you that it would certainly be peaceful!  After all, it's hard to get much more peaceful than a world with no more people in it. And now, here's the Grand Prize Winner!  Their prize:  I shall pick apart their entry point-by-point, rather than all at once at the end.  (Extravagant, I know...) “I think it's just so funny when people want to make judgmental comments about something they read on another's profile.”  You mean, like you're doing right now?  “Go fuck yourself. When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.  I don't need your approval.”  Yes you do, or others' opinions wouldn't bother you this much to begin with.  “All you are doing is showing your ignorance. You have no business on a site like this to begin with if you are going to judge others.”  Pot, did you not meet Kettle the first time you bumped into one another?  Everyone on this site is here either to judge or to be judged; moreover, it’s kind of the whole point!  If such weren't the case, your own journal would be significantly less judgmental, and you'd have at least one clothed pic in your collection... but it isn't, and you don't (unless reading this inspired you to do some quick editing).   “Get a life, a real one, as in get your lazy ass out of the computer chair & do something productive.”  Um... and just what were you sitting in when you wrote that?  It seems you've got a bit more hypocrisy dribbling down the inside of your leg; might want to clean that up before someone else sees it. The overall intelligence of CM's population is clearly still suffering... but what did I expect, really? I shouldn't make it seem as though this place provides nothing in the way of entertainment value; obviously it does, or I wouldn't return at all.  Still, I've noticed a pattern to my returns, reflected in the frequency of my journal posts.  Given that more than a year transpired between the last two, I'm forced to wonder if this is the last time you'll ever hear from me, and if I just don't know it yet.  (Those whose bullshit I've exposed over the years are probably cheering at this news, and I'm glad I've been able to fill such a deep void in their existences.)  Each time I poke my nose back into CM, I’m depressed by something I read, but not concerned enough to comment, so I copy the entries with particular comedic value for later reference, and then return to reality under the assumption that I’ll be more tolerant of stupidity on some future day.  (I never am.)  I also tend to feel overwhelmed whenever my Inbox approaches the triple-digits, so much so that I recently deleted the entire damn thing!  Apparently some heart-pouring fan mail was lost along with the generic one-word greetings and spam-bot solicitations, and it would seem some egos were bruised in the process. Then again, what is this site, if not a gathering place for easily-bruised egos?  There’s little wonder why I feel more like an outsider to this community than a member, as I haven’t felt the need to prove anything to anyone (publisher aside) in quite some time.  Those easily-bruised egos I spoke of might translate my words to mean that I think I’m too good for this site… and I’m honestly fine with that; there are worse reputations to wear than that of self-assurance.  Still, posterity and protocol demand that I state this much for the record:  I occasionally require validation, just like everyone else in the world who isn’t a complete sociopath; the difference is, I’ve already found mine!  I’ve a girlfriend whom I love and who loves me, a pending career that’s actually related to my chosen field, and just enough close friends to classify me as “extremely picky” and not “antisocial.”  Those with whom I used to speak exclusively through this site have either moved onto other sites or disappeared, and self-promotion for its own sake is among many behaviors for which I’ve little tolerance. What it boils down to is that I have an ego that isn't so easily bruised… and nothing bruises a weak ego like a strong one asserting itself.  For some reason, there’s no greater punishment for those who aren’t enjoying themselves, than to see happiness being enjoyed by someone else.  If I stay here, accidentally taunting the less-content with my contentedness, the only thing I can hope to accomplish is more mail like THIS: “hello sir, i won’t be writing anymore notes to you (given my last one was deleted by you), just know that ______ ____ and the _____ __ ________ will hear that you did that to me. i wish you well in finding whatever it is that you are looking for. blessed be and merry we part,' Keep in mind, that’s just from someone who decided to take offense over their mail getting deleted.  (How would they know, anyway?  I don’t think this site has ever bothered to alert me when someone’s deleted my message, for whatever good reason someone might do so… and I refuse to believe that no one’s ever deleted one of my messages before!  The CM Stalker App must be available for an extra fee or something.  Also, was that a THREAT I detected?  “So-N-So will hear of this!” generally constitutes a threat of some kind, no matter how casually-stated or how laughable.  Perhaps I should report this to someone while I still haven’t deleted the new message…)  As I don’t wish to accumulate any more of this type of mail – anymore than I intended to inspire the feelings which created it – I think my next sabbatical shall be even longer than the previous one. Then again… maybe I’m blowing this out-of-proportion by blaming myself.  After all, who here hasn’t been talking to someone in a chat room when their child started crying, or when the pet knocked something over, or when you got an important call… and came back to the computer to find that your unannounced absence was enough to send your chat partner into online hysterics, accusing you of being inattentive to their needs because you took longer than sixty seconds to respond to their last post?  If that example doesn’t ring a bell, then have any of you ever been driving in a state where it was illegal to answer your cell phone while operating a motor vehicle, so you sent a call straight to voice mail, and the caller got all butt-hurt about it?  In the long run, this was merely the Social Networking Site version of those two virtually-identical scenarios, and nothing that should reflect on me.  Taking offense to something that wasn’t meant offensively is a CHOICE, based on individual hang-ups, insecurities, and naivety.  We aren’t BORN with the instinct to be offended by things; if you flip off a baby, it doesn’t think twice about it, because no one else’s values have been inflicted on it yet.  How much it takes to offend us is directly related to how open our minds are… and as I’ve previously stated, closed minds and I don’t get along terribly well. Still, here I am, including my entry among the other journals… many of which consist almost exclusively of complaints about what So-N-So said about them, denouncements of rumors started by Such-N-Such, and desperate assurances of “realness” to the general populace.  It’s enough raw insecurity to kill even the best-tended buzz! By all means, do people a public service by exposing the fakes and bots – and absolutely, take every available opportunity to call irrationality by its proper name – but if the potential (or even stated) opinions of strangers who live in other corners of the globe bother you so much that you feel a need to answer what was essentially NOTHING with veiled threats and sarcastic well-wishes, then it’s likely you need a break from the internet even more than I thought I did. Here’s an easy exercise:  start with me.  Pretend that you don’t care what I might or might not think about you.  Pretend that my opinion of you, or lack thereof, makes absolutely no difference whatsoever.  Lo and behold, you’ll wake up one day believing it, and feeling a lot better about yourself in general.  After all, what the fuck do I know about you?  I’m just some schmuck from Hippyville, Oregon, whose approval you’ll probably never need, and whose signature will likely never appear on your paycheck.  If you honestly think it an insult that I didn’t respond to your post, or when you see (however you can see) that your post was included in the “Delete” stack – or yes, even if I’ve selected your words or behavior to serve as a public example of absurdity – just call it proof that I’m not someone you really want know, and move on wordlessly with your hunt.  Ultimately, it comes down to self-esteem:  if you have it, then my opinion won’t matter, and if you don’t, then I’m afraid that problem can only be solved on your end. Your homework assignment until I return (be it tomorrow or sometime in 2015) is to develop your egos!  You’ll know if you’re exempt from this assignment, because you’ll be laughing good-naturedly at this post rather than grumbling over it.  For the rest of you, you can either take offense to this homework (which is the surest sign that you need to do it), or you can think me an asshole and hope that I fuck off… in which case, congratulations!  You’ve just inadvertently taken your first steps towards completing your assignment.  Keep it up! Semi-annually yours, Aza  

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