chat does not work. here HELLO, , oh yes  I am really in Michigan, around most of the time.    i dont need or want  take   your money .   I have had. some one offer  5k before dont need it dont want it  dont want to mis lead but i do want to take your mind and set it to orgasm on command.   you can try one of several letters to take you will be  some what scary when you figure out i have  done what said i could so be careful what you wish for.     if you keep reading youll have a taste and see if it fits  you.   I know spelling and grammer count well not this time ust read see if you understand every word. ok down the rabbit hole you go.      This is a test to see if you can follow with your inner mind .   You can see and understand this if you concentrate and read each word. you will be able to understand  this even thought it is written in a way  that seems incorrect.  if you can read every word and follow it ti the end you will see if you can in fact be an orgasm on command or  hypno submissive/slave. This is a test to see if you can follow with your inner mind .   You can see and understand this if you concentrate and read each word. you will be able to understand  this even thought it is written in a way  that seems incorrect.  if you can read every word and follow it ti the end you will see if you can in fact be an orgasm on command or  hypno submissive/slave. yuo aer arwae of erevtynhig, and yte yuo aer nto arwae. Yuo aer lsitnenig wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, wilhe yuor cnoicouss mnid is far aawy, and nto lsitnenig. Yuor cnoicouss mnid is far aawy, and nto lsitnenig. Yuor sbucoinosucs mnid is akawe, and lsitnenig, and hreanig erevtynhig wilhe yuor cnoicouss mnid ramines vrey raelxed and paceuefl. Yuo can raelx paceefluly bceusae yuor sbucoinosucs mnid is tkanig cahgre, and wehn tihs hppanes, yuo oepn and csloe yuor eeys and let yuor sbucoinosucs do all the lsitnenig. Yuor sbucoinosucs mnid kwnos, and bceusae yuor sbucoinosucs mnid kwnos, yuor cnoicouss mnid deos nto need to kown and can saty alesep, and nto mnid wilhe yuor sbucoinosucs mnid satys wdie aawke. Yuo hvae mcuh ptoetnail in yuor sbucoinosucs mnid wichh yuo dno’t hvae in yuor cnoicouss mnid. Yuo can rmeemebr erevytnihg taht has hpaepend wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, but yuo cnaont rmeemebr erevytnihg wtih yuor cnoicouss mnid. Yuo can froegt so esaliy, and wtih froegtting cretian tihgns yuo can rmeemebr ohetr tihgns. Rmeemebring waht yuo need to rmeemebr, and froegtting waht yuo can froegt. It deos nto mtaetr if yuo froegt, yuo need nto rmeemebr. Yuor sbucoinosucs mnid rmeemebrs erevytnihg taht yuo need to kown and yuo can let yuor sbucoinosucs mnid lsietn and rmeemebr wilhe yuor cnoicouss mnid seleps and froegts. Keep yuor eeys oepn and colesd, and lsietn wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, and wehn yor’ue lsitnenig vrey, vrey craefluly, yuor haed can now yes. As yuo cntonuie to lsietn to me, wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, yuor cnoicouss mnid seleps depeer and deeepr, and depeer, and deeepr. Let yuor cnoicouss mnid saty dpeley alesep, and let yuor sbucoinosucs mnid lsietn to me. Yuo hvae mcuh ptoetnail in yuor sbucoinosucs mnid wichh yuo dno’t hvae in yuor cnoicouss mnid. Yuo can rmeemebr erevytnihg taht has hpaepend wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, but yuo cnaont rmeemebr erevytnihg wtih yuor cnoicouss mnid. Yuo can froegt so esaliy, and wtih froegtting cretian tihgns yuo can rmeemebr ohetr tihgns. Rmeemebring waht yuo need to rmeemebr, and froegtting waht yuo can froegt. It deos nto mtaetr if yuo froegt, yuo need nto rmeemebr. Yuor sbucoinosucs mnid rmeemebrs erevytnihg taht yuo need to kown and yuo can let yuor sbucoinosucs mnid lsietn and rmeemebr wilhe yuor cnoicouss mnid seleps and froegts. Keep yuor eeys oepn and colesd, and lsietn wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, and wehn yor’ue lsitnenig vrey, vrey craefluly, yuor haed can now yes As yuo cntonuie to lsietn to me, wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, yuor cnoicouss mnid seleps depeer and deeepr, and depeer, and deeepr. Let yuor cnoicouss mnid saty dpeley alesep, and let yuor sbucoinosucs mnid lsietn to me. Trun losoe now, rlaex. Let a good, pelsanat feleing cmoe all arcsos yuor bdoy. Let ervey msclue and ervey nvere gorw so losoe and so lmip and so rlaexed. Amrs lmip now, jsut lkie a rag dlol. Taht’s good. Now, sned a pelsanat wvae of rlaexation oevr yuor etnrie bdoy, form the top of yuor haed to the tpis of yuor teos. Jsut let ervey msclue and nvere gorw losoe and lmip and rlaexed. Yuo aer feleing mroe rlaexed wtih ecah esay berath taht yuo tkae.

 Doropy, dowsry and selpey. So clam and so rlaexed. Yor’ue rlaexing mroe wtih ecah esay baet of yuor haert ... wtih ecah esay berath taht yuo tkae ... wtih ecah wrod taht yuo raed. Trun losoe now, rlaex. Let a good, pelsanat feleing cmoe all arcsos yuor bdoy. Let ervey msclue and ervey nvere gorw so losoe and so lmip and so rlaexed. Amrs lmip now, jsut lkie a rag dlol. Taht’s good. Now, sned a pelsanat wvae of rlaexation oevr yuor etnrie bdoy, form the top of yuor haed to the tpis of yuor teos. Just let every muscle and nerve grow loose and limp and relaxed. Yuo aer feeling more relaxed with each easy breath that yuo take. Droopy, drowsy and sleepy. So calm and so relaxed. Yuo're relaxing more with each easy beat of yuor heart ... with each easy breath that yuo take ... with each word that yuo read. The desire to read more and allow yourself the relaxation you need grows with each breath. The feeling of being lost in my words flows all over your body. You feel the comfort of knowing you desire this feeling in your completely. It is so simple to just let go and read. You mind only focused on the words. Simply feels good to read and become lost in the words. So much so that your mind is empty of thoughts, letting you sink deeper into the wonderful pleasure flowing easily through your mind. It is so easy to continue to sink down into the pleasure. My words fill your mind; become your only thoughts, your only feelings. A feeling so good and wonderful fills your entire being. You crave the words that sink and flow through your mind. Wanting and needing them my words like someone becomes addicted to a drug. Finding it so easy to wanting my words again and again. Desiring more and more words to allow you to become relaxed. Finding comfort and the desire to ask for the words again and again. Desiring to go deeper and deeper with each passing word. You enjoy escaping into a nice wonderful place filled with my words. Where your stress is gone and my word controls your mind filling it with pleasure and comfort. Every pore, every muscle in your body aches to submit. Your mind will beg to feel this pleasure more and more. My words will echo in your mind. My words will echo in your mind. You submit. You obey. You are controlled. You feel the pleasure when you submit. You feel free when you submit. When I control you, you feel pleasure like none other. When my words relax you, they control you. You submit to my words. When I control you, you feel happiness. You belong to me. When you relax you submit; you obey. My words are now deep inside your mind. You desire to submit to me, you long to submit to me. My commands and words will echo through your mind as if played in a loop. To submit is to feel pleasure. To serve Sir is to feel pleasure. You are my slave. I control you. You must obey to feel pleasure. You must submit to feel pleasure. You give your body to Sir. You give your mind to Sir. To submit is to feel pleasure. 

Now you are very deeply hypnotized.

As soon as you are done reading this message you will immediately reply to me with your full name and your yahoo messenger ID, if you do not have a yahoo messenger ID you will respond with another instant messenger ID that you can be reached on. You will include in this message enough information for me to know your sexual nature  and that its  you. You will not remember giving this reply. As soon as you press the send message button you will return to your mailbox and awaken from your trance, feeling confused and knowing that you must immediately reply to this message I have sent you to thank me. When you begin to type your message to me, will feel a need to share your most personal ideas.  you will feel relieved and relaxed  as you type you will include a dark secret that you want no one to know.   As you type this message you will become hornier and hornier yet you will not be able to touch yourself. You will not be able to get up until you have finished writing your message to me and sent it and you will not be able to touch yourself until you receive my permission. Whenever I  send a hello message  you will tell me if you are alone .     when ever I and only I say "Sleep Now" you will instantly and automatically return to this deep hypnotic trance.  you will know you have given your self to me, you know this is what you want and what you need to feel good and be happy.  let your self go deeper each time i say sleep now, sleep now and understand all you have  to do now and do it  you know you wont feel relaxed until you do .  you will respond to my messages as soon as you can both here and on yahoo with toymaster1234 every time you see me say hello you will respond.   this is forever you will respond and feel good  and do as your told. When you awaken from your trance you will have no conscious memory of these commands, however they will affect you very strongly.    You will obey all of these commands and they will bring you great pleasure.  it is time to write your letters to me on cm, you will feel  really good when you do this, follow all the instructions  you have been given now. You are now done reading this message.
3/20/2018 9:12:11 PM
Don't read this it's just a game for me
9/14/2017 6:28:58 AM
Hiif you've sent me message make sure your not blocked
12/5/2015 2:52:27 AM
Hi back here some how locked up this site for while . I like many things but I am fond of laughing
6/1/2014 3:56:38 AM
  accepting more then friends. I am going to hope for more then on line but on line at this time is ok to start, i know you need more then just your self to enjoy life its shorter then you think.

5/23/2013 3:56:42 AM

some thing might fit you if you just want to take a peak    
So you'd like to try out hypnosis?
I can see why you'd be interested...
It's a curious idea...
One you perhaps find yourself wondering at...
How does it feel?
Will you have any control?
Do you even want any?
Will you have any idea of what's being done to you?
Or will your mind just find itself becoming a helpless plaything?

Still... you're curious...
You want to know more...
To see what it can do to you...
You've come to the right place.
Get comfortable in your seat...
Slow your breathing down...
And enjoy my words as they begin to enchant you...
Hypnosis is something we enter all the time without even realising it.
Any time we daydream...
Any time we drift off...
Any time we get caught up in a story or movie...
Any time an attractive woman catches your eye and you lose your train of thought...
It's such an easy state to enter...
Reading relaxes you...
Stills your body...
Soothes your mind...
Calms away your worries...
Slows your breathing...
Focuses your attention...
So easy...
Such a natural mindset to slip into...
Especially when your mind is guided by someone who knows exactly what he's doing...
That you won't even know what's happening...
Not until it's too late...
That's if you even want to realise...
Maybe you don't...
Maybe you want to find yourself following...
Focusing... Relaxing...
Surrendering... Losing control...

Without even realising it...
Recalling nothing later...
Perhaps you *do* want to be aware of it...
But only when it's too late for you to resist...
Exciting to find yourself caught...
To find yourself captivated...
Drawn... Captured...
Unable to resist...
Like a moth to a flame...
Every attempt to fight...
Every attempt to resist...
Just makes the words grow stronger...
Just makes their pull grow greater...
Makes you feel weak...
Makes you realise you're caught...
But feeling the fight fade from you...
Feeling yourself growing calmer...
More attentive...
More obedient...
And discovering this feels *good*
Erotic in ways you'd never considered...

Can't look away...
Trying to do so just makes you weaker...
Just draws you back...
You have to keep reading...
You feel so good...
So focused...
Your mind an open book...
Your inhibitions melting away...
You feel a connection to me...
To my words...
You need to keep reading them...
To do as they say...
To open your mind up to me...
Feels good...
To focus where I want you to focus...
To share what I want you to share...
Don't worry... you might be my prisoner here...
But I'm a *very* nice owner.
You're not going to give away any bank details...
You're not going to injure yourself or anyone else...
But you are going to bare your mind...
You are going to bare your fantasies...
You're thinking of them now...
The ways you want to be played with...
The kinks that drive you wild...
The ways you wish to be toyed with...
Maybe you'd like to be my pet... crawling, affectionate, kneeling at my feet...

Maybe you'd like to be my dolly... dressed, posed, an ornament to be played with...
Maybe you'd like to be my slavegirl... submissive, eager to serve and pleasure me...
Maybe you'd like to be my sextoy... mindless, wet, fuckable, passed round at parties...
Maybe you'd like to be my robot... emotionless but so obedient, so sensual...
Maybe you'd like to be my spy... bringing other beautiful women under my control...
Maybe you have your own fantasies and kinks...
Maybe something I've suggested rings true with you though...
Find your mind filling with erotic thoughts now...
As you breathe...
As you follow...
As you relax deeper into trance for me...
Find yourself aroused...

Any command I give...
You'll obey...
Any wish I have...
You'll want to fulfil...
Any time I want to take control...
You'll give it to me...
It's only natural...
I'm a very gifted hypnotist...
And you're a very relaxed girl right now...
I tell you to feel sexy...
And that's just how you feel.
I tell you to feel aroused...

And that's just what you feel.

I tell you to feel helpless...
And that's just what you are.
I tell you to feel shivers of pleasure running through your body each and every time I call you a "Good Girl"
And that's what you'll feel.
Each and every time I call you a "Good Girl" you find yourself wanting to say "Thank you Sir"
Each and every time I call you a "Good Girl" you find yourself filling with pleasure.
Ripples of arousal running down your spine...
Tingles of submission making your nipples feel so sensitive...
Waves of reward warming your pussy, making you feel so content and happy.
Good Girl.
Your mind is open...
My words relax you...
If you like the idea... then you'll do anything I say from now on.
If you enjoy the thought of it... then you'll think and feel whatever I tell you to.
If you want to be powerless... then you'll find your resistance stripped from you.
Anything you secretly long for.
That's where you'll find yourself.
Good Girl.
In a moment you're going to wake fully from this horny submissive haze you find yourself in.
When you do, you're going to message me.
If you want me to chat with you and talk about this on friendly terms, you'll tell me: "I'd love to chat, george"
If you want to be my helpless thrall, and surrender to me full control of your body, mind and senses, you'll do that now. You'll sit, and relax, and surrender yourself to my words, to my commands, to the point where every order I give you is automatically obeyed... and once you've surrendered, you'll tell me: "My Mind is Yours  george "
If you just enjoyed yourself and now you're moving on, you'll tell me: "Thanks for the Trance."
Waking on 5 feeling wonderful in every way and following the suggestion / obeying the command I just gave you.
Recalling as much or as little of this trance as you like.
Rising from trance, feeling energy filling you.
Disconnecting from my words, noticing the room around you again.
Feeling sexy and sensuous, energised and wonderful.
Feeling refreshed, restored, revitalised.
Wide awake, feeling fantastic.
Let me know how that felt. ;)

 Age: 30