
GS221Bsub - photo 1
GS221Bsub - photo 2
GS221Bsub - photo 3
GS221Bsub - photo 5
GS221Bsub - photo 6
GS221Bsub - photo 14

I've come on this site a few times and I've always created some profile that had about as much depth as a porno dialogue. I kept getting discouraged at the number of disingenuous people I met, but what should i have expected? My first introduction, my first lines were regurgitated memes. A copying and pasting of all the subliminal ideas that porn, film, and media have trained me to understand an S&M relationship. I would like to try again. I would like to attempt an honest profile. One that says things that actually s the dimensionality I think I posses... at least more than just the two I've been projecting all these times before. I remember reading A Confederacy of Dunces and encountering the line "geometry and theology". It was such a neat line. It'd be blissful to find someone with the same geometry as you. To find an individual to free fall through existence with. Someone who's accumulation of personality, who's actions, thoughts, beliefs, sensations are mirror your own. To have your existence fold into the existence of someone else-- like an Escher sketch, so that this impossible waltz exists not because they morph into the ideas and molds you construct for them, or because you have found acceptable compromises that you can exist mutually with, but because everything you do is completely complimented by the independent actions of the other person. This is sometimes what I think it would be like to find someone with the "right geometry and theology". It'd be a favor-less existence; the mutuality of every action of the person involved could never be decomposed into a simple arithmetic of pluses and minuses, of debts and payments. The friction and strain that come with cooperation would disappear and in its place would be a kind of perpetual motion. I want love like Claire and Frank Underwood. I think that's why I like submission. It's the only way I have been able to become and artificer of this platonic ideal of a relationship.
11/9/2017 11:28:16 AM

Not to make light of something serious, but I would definitely be Allison Macks slave. 
1/30/2015 10:37:57 AM
Female Husbands
1/22/2015 10:13:24 AM
Has anyone ever noticed that the Collarspace browser tab logo is the same one used by Noam Chomsky site, ?

I always knew Noam was a sly little kinkster.
1/21/2015 7:45:02 PM