
EliteDom - photo 2
EliteDom - photo 3

Very experienced, long time Dom looking to impart his wisdom and experience with others in the lifestyle.

You know what you Desire, you realize the mystery, caught in desire you see what you must do to experience what you know is your innermost and truest longings. You are afraid yet excited. Being and not being create each other. Difficult and easy support each other. Long and short define each other. High and Low depend on each other. Before and after follow each other.

Therefore the Master acts without doing anything and teaches without saying anything. The Master leads by emptying peoples minds and filling their cores. By weakening their ambitions and toughening their resolves. He helps people lose everything and gain their true self. Do what you know that you must do and everything will fall into place.

The Master is like a well, used by never used up. It is like the eternal void. Filled with infinite possibilities.

IF you know this describes you and you are willing to lose everything to gain what you are truly are and need then feel free to contact me. Serious only. I will not engage in endless emails and chats. Along with discipline comes fun and friendship and possible ownership.

 Age: 22
 San diego, California